What might be Interrupting Your Energetic Flow?


Energy comprises everything; music, words, thoughts, emotions and seemingly inanimate objects. It is Universal law that everything is constant motion and vibration. Nothing is static or as dense as it may appear to the human eye.

Energy is omnipresent and cords us both to Earth and the Heavens above. Consciousness allows us to stay present in all dimensions; moving from our dense, earthly selves to the highest expressions of our being.

In fact, our bodies are made of more energy than matter and they prefer energetic to chemical communication (it is much faster).  We are multi-dimensional beings influenced by outer and inner stimuli. Often we may feel a certain way (physically, emotionally, or spiritually) about ourselves or someone else, and we are not quite sure how or why we came to that conclusion. Maybe it wasn’t something physical you were acknowledging, maybe it was energetic…a vibrational response.

As an energetic being, you possess an electro-magnetic field which radiates and extends from your body up to six feet. There are energy vortices throughout the entire body, with seven major ones running up the center of the body. Additionally energy meridians, or energy highways, run throughout the entire body and connect various areas of the body via the meridians.

It is important to recognize that lack of symptoms do not necessarily indicate perfect health and with DLW's integrative approach, we can go deeper to understand and balance the mental and emotional meanings that are contributing to imbalance. If an imbalance is not corrected on the energetic level, eventually physical effects will ensue.

There are many physical manifestations that can also cause energetic imbalances, which is shared about below. 

From this understanding we see that health is also associated with organization, coherence and awareness, also known as Syntropy. When in a state of dis-ease or long-term imbalance, Entropy occurs, or incoherence; where we reach lower and lower level of output and eventually fail.

We are made of frequency, and influenced by them, and yet we also have free will which gives us tremendous power in co-creating our energetic experience through choosing thoughtfully and with discernment. 

Today let’s focus on external stimuli that may be keeping you from being energetically balance and consciously aware. 

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Stress can affect your energetic balance in more ways than one. The adrenal glands are the physical representation of the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra governs sense of security and feeling of belonging. When experiencing stress, the adrenal glands produce excess Cortisol, telling the body to halt digestion, procreation and leaves one in a general state of waiting for the ‘other shoe to drop’. Energetically, this affects the root chakra because the body will consistently receive the message that security is breached and survival is at risk.


Energetically and physically, chemicals are composed in a way that are not natural or known to the body. This causes chaos; throwing off the balance of hormone production, pH balance, bacterial growth, and the list goes on. We must remember that our endocrine system directly correlates with our Chakra system. The endocrine system is disrupted by chemicals of all sort. The pendulum swings both ways, a physical disruption of chemicals will energetically throw of your chakras and energy field.

Lifestyle Choices: 

Watching lots of television, lack of exercise, and participating in abusive relationships, with yourself or others, are a few lifestyle choices that can cause energetic disruption or an imbalance in the electro-magnetic field, or aura.

Dead Food: 

A friendly reminder of the effects of color on the chakra system. Each chakra correlates with a color, comprising the colors of the rainbow. Eating correlating colored foods is one way of energetically balancing your body. I love to appreciate the availability of rainbow colors in the plethora of fruits and vegetables that are placed here for us. Scientifically, we know that each color in fruits & veggies provide slightly different antioxidants, indicating we need the entire spectrum to be our healthiest and best self. When you eat dead food (GMO’s, artificial anything, preservatives, food dyes, etc) your body does not receive the antioxidants or nutrients needed to supply your energetic needs. This can be noticed this in one’s physical appearance: bags under the eyes, dehydrated skin, slumped posture, weight gain or loss, or even worse; dis-ease.


If everything is energy, negative words and behaviors are comprised of frequencies too. According to Jim Rohn, 'You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with’.  Energetically speaking that is because energy fields seek to find resonance and coherence, even if it is maladaptive. Who are you surrounding yourself with? How do you energetically feel in their presence? More alive & expansive? Or strained & drained?


EMF stands for Electromagnetic Field and can be found with the use of WiFi, microwave, cellphones and additional electrical sources which often produce harmful radiation. We have an electromagnetic field too which is why certain frequencies are aggravating and health limiting. Dr. Mercola provides extensive research and support as to how to limit your exposure to EMF’s, which have been linked to a host of dis-ease such as; cancer, heart, diabetes, sleep disorders and numerous more to mention. Here is what Dr. Mercola has to say about EMF’s:

‘Cells in your body can react to EMFs as a harmful invader, just like they do to other environmental toxins. Remember that you are an electrical being. Your body is a complex communication device where cells “talk”, tissues “talk,” organs “talk,” and organisms “talk[1].” At each of these levels, the communication includes finely tuned bio-electrical transmitters and receivers, which are tuned like tuning into a radio station. What happens when you expose a radio antenna to a significant amount of external noise? You get static from the noise – and that is what is happening to your body in today’s electrosmog environment.’

Read the entire article here

As you can see, there are many factors affecting your energetic body (and these are only a few). We may feel like we have tried everything yet change is not occurring. It may be helpful to step out of the physical reactions and into understanding energetic influences. You are so much more than this physical body! 

As I have mentioned many times here, everything is comprised of energy, including Love. Love’s frequency is 528 Hz. It is inherent in everything from DNA to plants. Love is our source and constant energy supply; infinite in nature. It is the great equalizer and ground on which we want to try and make all decisions, because every choice is an act of Creation. As one engages in a DLW Lifestyle and infuses each choice with love, all relationships become more connected and reciprocal; from self to community.

Yours in energetic awe,
