The dimension which contains information about one's energetic body; chakras + auric field as well as feedback in the forms of emotions and feelings.
The dimension which contains information about one's energetic body; chakras + auric field as well as feedback in the forms of emotions and feelings.
At DLW, we speak in solutions and ways you want to feel, because when we follow how we feel, self-regulation is a result and provides us with the greatest tools for prevention. By using your feelings as a guidance system, you can deepen your relationship with your mind, body, emotions and spirit; which provides the foundation to greater self-regulation, a vital component of optimal living.
Feelings are consciousness moving through the body with messages about your state of being and/or your environment. An emotion is when one attaches a thought to a feeling. This extends the length of time one may feel a certain way, resulting in a behavior and practiced long enough, becomes a state of being. The endocrine system is the physical system which connects the emotional body to the physical body. This is also where the seven major chakras reside and are directly affected by your emotional health. As a human being, you are made of more energy than matter and it is the emotional body that supports interpretation of all of the energetic information you are receiving in every moment. Humans are given this incredible Divine design that includes a feeling body. This feeling body gives one access to the tapestry of the collective consciousness, a place of pure potentiality.
The emotional dimension recognizes and supports awareness, acceptance, expression and integration of one’s feelings and emotions. Emotional wellbeing is vital to utilization of intuition and to the degree in which one is able to respect and intimately connect with others; including plants and animals. As an emotionally well person, you will feel good about your decisions because you have a healthy relationship with autonomy and expressing how you feel. You take responsibility for what is yours and do not blame or shame yourself when you feel you have fallen short. Your relationships will be built on a strong foundation of interdependence, humility, trust and respect. Being emotionally well means you know how to find Option C - beyond right and wrong - a place of cooperation.
Emotions are consciousness in motion.
Being aware of and accepting our feelings allows integration of experiences, not denial or suppression.
An attitude of gratitude attracts more positive experiences.
Emotional awareness creates personal resilience and a greater opportunity for intimacy.
Inability to express your feelings.
Lack of pleasure and play in your life.
Feeling stuck in an unhealthy emotional pattern.
Past traumatic experiences feel present and relevant, influencing your behaviors and choices.
Emotional immaturity; reactive, projects own emotions onto others. No tools for resiliency.
Inability to access your true feelings and disconnected from bodily communication.
Expresses your feelings in a healthy, balance and kind way.
Knows the health benefits of pleasure + play and you prioritize them.
Aware of your emotional patterns and you take the time and have the tools to integrate them.
Done and doing the work to integrate past traumatic experiences. You are able to move on and experience new meaning.
Effective emotional processing. Ability to relate well and happily with others.
Finely tuned into your own feelings and the feedback from your body.
Download our Free E-Book, where you’ll learn how to find your place to belong with others in love and peace.
Danae offers complimentary, initial phone appointments to connect, hear more about your wellness goals and needs, answer questions and share more about how DLW offerings may support your lifestyle + wellbeing goals.
Our feelings are signals within our body designed to guide us to the next best step, for our growth and evolution. Our feelings alert us when we are out of balance, because the body's true desire is to be in balance. If we listen and understand how to interpret the messages of our emotions, we can use the signals to provide ourselves with what we need.
Energy is omnipresent and cords us both to Earth and the Heavens above. Consciousness allows us to stay present in all dimensions; moving from our dense, earthly selves to the highest expressions of our being.
In fact, our bodies are made of more energy than matter and they prefer energetic to chemical communication (it is much faster).
When we are centered, it is easier to know what we need and the more we activate our Intuitive abilities, the greater access we have to this part of ourselves. Love is an actual vibration, one of which we are naturally attuned to if only we can stay curious and surrender. From this space we tap into transformational healing and awareness of our interconnectedness to all.
It didn't take very long for me to experience emotional release, during my practice. I had flashes of memories that had previously been incomplete. I experienced spontaneous crying or heat & itching in specific areas. I couldn't really explain my experience, as I had no point of reference! I also could not deny my experience because I always felt better after, lighter even.