Potential Exploration
DimensionL Wellbeing provides the philosophy, methodology and container to enable a person to experience what it truly means to feel and stay well: we call it a return to Wholeness. Our approach keeps LOVE in the center. We are here to guide others to the highest expression of themselves. The result being the more well an individual is, the greater well-being society experiences. Our way provides the opportunity to function in your fullness with more consistency.
At DimensionL Wellbeing we recognize and honor that multidimensional beings must be met with a potential focused, sustainable, multifaceted approach to Vital Wellbeing. We define Wholeness through the lens of 8 Dimensions + Love and when applied to one’s life creates a Vibrant Lifestyle.
Last month we took a deep dive into the topic of cleansing and purification. I hope the perspective and information, offered in last month's vlog encouraged you to approach this topic with more ease and understanding.
This month, we will explore the topic and dive into the gifts of Potential, since when we are cleansed and purified we can optimize our potential with greater ease.
Before we go deep, let us define Potential:
Potential adjective: having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.
noun: latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness.
Dormant Qualities... Developing into something more... Future of possibilities...
Sounds mesmerizing, doesn't it!?
But how do we actualize potential?
First, by gaining an understanding.
When I think of potential I immediately think of the example of a seed. A seed is just a seed AND it contains the potential of becoming a full-blown tree, or variety of plants.
Now, this potential is not promised, but it is a given. IF the conditions are right, the seed will actualize into its potential, as a plant. The seed cannot assume its fruition, rather it has to observant and be AWARE of its potential to actualize it. The seed is just a seed until it is manifested through observation. The potential, or possibility, can also be called consciousness, which is the ground of everything. Consciousness weaves together the unseen and can be found in everything.
I hope you paused for a moment when you read the part about the responsibility of 'the right conditions' in actualizing potential.
This is oh so important when it comes to YOU. Maybe you are a seed that is not actualizing your potential. Maybe you REALLY desire to, but you just can't seem to get it 'right', which leads you to believe that maybe you are just not one of those people who will not get to do, be or have ___________________________ (fill this in with your unmet desire or need).
I mean come on now, it is a reality that you may not have been properly watered or nourished. Your childhood may have cast dark shadows that took away from your time in the light, so you can totally justify WHY you are not growing like all of the other seeds. Instead you stay dormant.
And yet, when you observe your potential instead of observing what is standing in the way of it, you tap into the infinite possibility of potential (or consciousness) which embodies the tiniest seed with the strength to resiliently push through conditions and obstacles. We have all seen those sprouts growing through the cracks of the sidewalk...that is real strength and purpose!
So, while conditions are integral to sustaining vitality, Consciousness allows us to leap from one state of being to another, transcending habitual patterns and conditioning...to actualize potential.
We move from a state of cause and effect (everything is happening to you) to a place of infinite possibilities (everything is happening for + through you). If consciousness (life) activates potential, and consciousness is found in everything, than it is accurate to say that the potential of creation is within all living beings.
I BELIEVE in your potential and it is part of DimensionL Wellbeing’s mission to hold space and provide support for others to actualize their potential.
May you choose the path of awakening to your potential.
Yours in infinite possibilities,
Dive deeper into this topic with this ‘Power of Your Potential’ video
At DimensionL Wellbeing, our mission is to provide impactful and empowering care which awakens people to their divine design and entanglement to the universe; supporting the activation of their full potential. That is why we created the 8 Dimensions of Wellbeing, which transforms lives and reduces or eliminates suffering.
Our Well-being Culture and Offerings support our personal and collective shift from force, fear, manipulation and scarcity into a state of being and operating in cooperation, care, faith and wholeness. We provide the bridge for these desired states of being; if our name is on it, you can expect a relationship based in integrity and products of the highest quality.