Our Smoke + Mirrors


While many individuals desire to live ‘the American Dream’ of wellbeing, what is the probability of this actuality? What if I told you the actuality of the state of wellbeing, of the average American, is more closely aligned with unhappiness, fear, disconnection, confusion, abandonment and illness. 

Are humans really designed with this level of dysfunction or have we accepted the level of dysfunction collectively created?

Let’s start by looking at how the establishments are contributing to this illusion of wellbeing. The entwinement of pharmaceutical, medical, agricultural and political systems pursuing profit over people, has created an immoral, low quality and negligent environment in which individuals are forced to operate. The outdated, overstretched, profit infiltrated medical system manages problems and compartmentalizes the care and needs of a patient, creating an elusive and intangible idea of what it means to be well. This system believes if something is not working, cut it out! There is little to no regard for treating the person as a whole (ie. mental and emotional trauma have been proven to affect the physical body). Instead, they treat symptoms over addressing root causes. Besides, if one is not feeling well, there is a pill for that! The lack of time and attention has led to temporary solutions which causes further imbalance and distrust. 

The little education an individual may receive in school, about their bodies and health, is filtered through these tangled and profit mongering institutions, mentioned above, which translates to misinformation and a disenfranchised view of what it means to be well. The approach is fear based, severe and disconnected; instead of teaching prevention, personal responsibility and connection to one's self. A person is made to believe they are at the mercy of doctors, and the powers that be, to know what is going on inside their bodies. This creates dependency on a system which manages illness and provides little benefit to those who actively pursue prevention. 

What functions at the collective level permeates and affects the individual, and vice versa. This also is rarely considered or acted upon in our society - it is common to believe one functions as a separate being when in reality one is only as well as their peers and environment. The separation of science and spirituality has encouraged the individual to do the same, compartmentalizing aspects of their health. It is the Soul of a person, connected to Source Creation, which inspires miracles and a return to wholeness. 

Love is the great equalizer and ground on which one can make all decisions, because every choice is an act of Creation. We believe in a benevolent world. When we keep Love as our focus, all of these wellness ‘to-do’s’ become an act of service to our Highest Good. What’s more, Love is the great multiplier; it is an unending supply source which expands upon itself. When one is centered, it is easier for someone to know what they need and the more they activate their Intuitive abilities, the greater access they have to this part of themselves. Love is an actual vibration, one of which all humans are naturally attuned to if only one can be still and align. From this space one has access to transformational healing and awareness of their interconnectedness to all.

DimensionL Wellbeing provides the container for the potential experience of what it truly means to feel + stay well: a return to Wholeness. Our approach keeps LOVE in the center. We are here to guide our clients to the highest expression of themselves. The result being the more well an individual is, the greater well-being society experiences. Our way provides the opportunity to function in your fullness with more consistency. 

At DimensionL Wellbeing we recognize and honor that multidimensional beings must be met with a potential focused, sustainable, multifaceted approach to Vital Wellbeing. We define Wholeness through the lens of 8 dimensions and when applied creates a Full Spectrum Lifestyle.

Tis the Holiday Season!

I hope you all enjoy festivities in your own way and with those you love the most.

The holiday season can be a joyful, connected time of year and for many, it can be a time of year that brings up old wounds, feelings of loneliness and yucky head and chest colds. 

We are elemental beings. Made up of the same stuff as stars, mountains and oceans.

As elemental beings we are strongly influenced by the elements around us. For example, feelings of loneliness, or old wounds, can be triggered by being around the energy of family and old friends, or lack there of. 

In December, we move into the season of winter and from the element of air into the element of water, or kapha in Ayurveda. I mention this connection because it explain why one may experience some of the imbalances mentioned above. 

Additionally, in December, we experience the shortest day of the year, also known as the Winter Solstice. Energetically, it is symbolic of the 'birth of the sun'. From the perspective of the outer reflecting the inner, this time of year is connected to our inner radiance and how it shines through, even in the darkness or when we muck it up with doubt or self-sabotage. With this inward energy, the true nature of this season is to be more reflective and introspective rather than the outgoing way we collectively celebrate the season; socializing and parties galore! 


Full Spectrum Wellbeing is created through living harmoniously with the rhythms within and around you, as much and as often as you can be aware of. 

So how do we accomplish inner balance (therefore wellbeing) when the collective is operating out of sync with our environment (winter/kapha element)?

By committing to our spiritual practice, self-care and energetic awareness. 

Having a solid, supportive spiritual + self-care practice may provide you with the balance you need, despite it potentially looking different this busy time of year. Any self-care is better than no self-care! 

I also mentioned energetic awareness...what and why you ask? The 'what' is acknowledging and actively connecting with the energetic nature of you and your surroundings. 

Meaning, what are your boundaries with yourself and others? Are your decisions and behaviors being influenced by others or are you consciously choosing from your highest expression? Do you allow your emotions to guide you and not polarize them as good or bad? 

Our emotions provide the feedback from the energetic world. Therefore, the more subtly aware you are of your emotions, the greater perception you have of the energetic world. This is ALWAYS important but especially so this time of year. 

Did you know the immune system's function is to constantly determine the 'self 'and 'not self'? 

With this information you can understand why it is so important for you to have the self awareness of determining if your energy is being preserved and generated from your own being OR if you are simply reacting and projecting, having others' be the source of your energy in and output. 

Which leads perfectly into a conscious gem I want to share with you today.  This month we have discussed the topic of 'Smoke & Mirrors', particularly in regards to the food industry. Today I ask of you to turn this same awareness inward to discover the Smoke & Mirrors we subject ourselves to. 

The truth is, what we experience is a vibrational match to what we are thinking/feeling.

Therefore, if we are being deceived by others (as in this keeps coming up as a message for us through our experiences) there must be an internal element of deception; a morsel of self deception and/or limiting beliefs. 

This deception I speak of can be (and quite often is) very subtle. Self deception can take on many forms and some we may be more commonly familiar with include obsession, control, procrastination, addiction and perfectionism. 

I believe in the very pit of being, we desire, and have the capability for, unconditional love. It is unconditional love that can look these acts of self defiance directly in the eye and offers care and support.

Unconditional love is the light that gets through our cracks. The parts of ourselves we may have a hard time accepting are the parts of ourselves most hungry for the radiance of light. 

Unconditional love is a way of being, and while it is always available, it takes practice to stay in this place of knowing. 

I ask you to consider where you may be allowing smoke to keep you disengaged from the truth and reality that your heart knows?

Once you have considered this, try and take a deeper look and ask what has been the motive of the smoke in keeping you from your truth? 

If all parts of our being really do love and want to serve one another, then self deviance could actually be an act of self preservation. 

You see, our reality is filtered through our perception and so when we ask these deep questions we need to consider the beliefs that may be fanning the flame.

A belief's  primary job is to prove itself out; over and over again, as long as you are willing to be invested in it.

Otherwise, if you can be still and allow the smoke to settle, you may consider a new belief and perception; one that serves your highest expression here and not just what you have been use to (it is amazing to consider the twisted ways we justify our beliefs).

If YOU are someone who wants to consider new beliefs and breath in fresh air (getting rid of the stale smoke of self sabotage) then below are 3 ways to align yourself with clearer vision. 

1. Quiet the mind.

The mind is best as a wonderful ally and can be if you take time to consciously quiet it, which allows for a deeper more enriching connection to the body. A quiet mind opens us up to messages from Spirit that otherwise may go unheard if there is too much mind chatter. Before I was able to really quiet my mind, I found meditation almost impossible. Learning breath practices provided a wonderful bridge into the world of meditation. Through focusing on the details of the breath practice I am able to get into a space of no thoughts. Try the breath practice below and see for yourself! 

2. Question what you believe.

A belief is just a thought we think over and over again, but have you ever considered where this thought originated? Chances are there origination began somewhere a LONG time ago and was created from what you were observing or being subjected to. Have you ever considered if the choices you are making right NOW are because you are consciously doing so or because you are looking to fulfill a certain emotion or please a certain person? 

The average person is using less than 5% of their consciousness so the odds are that choice you are making was preconceived. How do you even begin to connect with that part of yourself which is beyond thought? With a quiet mind and body awareness, which you can gain easy access to through brea th awareness and somatic practices.

3. Do something that makes you uncomfortable, everyday.

From the perspective of consciousness, we know that possibilities are infinite in nature. Therefore we can never imagine or think of all possible outcomes. Therefore we are not really in control of anything except our own thoughts and perceptions. The more comfortable you can be with being uncomfortable, the more open to infinite possibilities you will be! An easy way to align yourself with infinite possibilities is to do something each day that makes you feel uncomfortable. There is a difference between pain and discomfort. I am not suggesting you place yourself in harm's way, rather I know the power of leaning into what is uncomfortable and meeting it with enthusiasm. 

I hope this blog has been helpful for you. Some of the concepts may be a little mind-blowing , if you are new to considering yourself a Multi-dimensional being. Please post your thoughts and questions below.  We learn and grow through connecting with one another. I have shared a helpful breath practice that will leave you feeling invigorated and empowered. Enjoy!

A Powerful Tool for feeling Empowered to Own Your Reality:

Breath of Fire